The measurement of operating efficiency : a case study of Fong Shan tourism plaza

Part of : WSEAS transactions on business and economics ; Vol.10, No.3, 2013, pages 115-124

This paper presents an empirical study in which Data Envelopment Analysis is used to evaluate the operating efficiency of 12 business units and 182 stores of Fong Shan Tourism Plaza. Land size, equipment investment, sales costs, operating expenses, and number of personnel are selected as input variables, while turnover, number of customers and customer satisfaction are output variables. We found that five variables are reserved after factor reduction by correlation analysis. These 12 business units are categorized into 3 groups based on efficiency scores. In each group, cultural booth, mini-train, self-store, and ice cream store are the relatively efficient business units and flower market and heritage area are the most inefficient business units. Moreover, dual analysis shows that business expenses, sales costs, and equipment investment have high priority for improvement. Finally, according to sensitivity analysis results, sales costs and business expenses are key factors to the efficiency scores of each business unit.
Subject (LC):
leisure, DEA, operating efficiency, dual analysis, measurement, tourism
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