Η μετάφραση και ο μεταφραστής νομικών κειμένων : θεωρητικές και πρακτικές πτυχές

Part of : Εφαρμοσμένη γλωσσολογία ; No.19, 2003, pages 21-34

Legal texts are culture-bound linguistic entities governed by a high degree of stylistic stringency, which makes translating them a demanding task. Both the legal and the linguistic component, structured by the given way of legal reasoning in a particular legal system, creates a complex stylistic mix. Through the interdisciplinary approach to the translation of legal texts, their cultural inherence, the classification of potential translation pairs, the discussion of possible translation strategies and the scrutiny of the translator’s role, this essay aims at the following: to unveil the difficulties related to the translation of legal texts, to propose strategies for transferring legal information and to elaborate on the profile of the legal translator.
Subject (LC):
Περιέχει σημειώσεις και βιβλιογραφία