Reading comprehension practices in Greek elementary EFL classrooms

Part of : Εφαρμοσμένη γλωσσολογία ; No.28, 2013, pages 29-50

The present study probes into elementary English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ reading comprehension practices. It aims at gaining an insight into how they approach reading comprehension and specifically whether they explicitly teach students reading strategies, when interacting with written texts. Five instructors, who work at public elementary schools in a provincial city of central Greece, Trikala, participated in the study. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and classroom observations. The results of this study indicated that reading lessons mainly focused on oral reading of texts, vocabulary instruction, assessment of text content through post-reading oral questions and written tasks. Concurrently, there was lack of strategy instruction, which means that teachers were not involved in teaching students how to approach and comprehend written texts in the English language. The pedagogical implications that result from this study are further discussed and the need for further research to verify these findings is accentuated.
Subject (LC):
Περιέχει πίνακες και βιβλιογραφία
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