[Βιβλιοκριτική] Stambaugh, John E., The ancient Roman city [Βιβλιοκριτική] Vance, William L., America's Rome. Volume I: Classical Rome [Βιβλιοκριτική] Vance, William L., America's Rome. Volume II: Catholic Contemporary Rome

Part of : Πλάτων : περιοδικό της Εταιρείας Ελλήνων Φιλολόγων ; Vol.42, No.83-84, 1990, pages 168-171

Section Title:
Subject (LC):
John E. Stambaugh, The Ancient Roman City. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins Universitv Press, 1989. Pp. xvii+395. 29 figures+31 plates. Hardcover $30.00., William L. Vance, America's Rome. Volume I: Classical Rome. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1989. Pp. xxiv+454. 155 black and white and 12 color plates. Hardcover $30.00., William L. Vance, America's Rome. Volume II: Catholic Contemporary Rome. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1989. Pp. xx+498. 55 black and white and 8 color plates. Hardcover $30.00.