Υπάρχουν χωρία εκ του έργου του Ιαμβλίχου περι του Πυθαγορικού βίου τα οποία είναι δυνατόν να αναχθούν στην ευδόξειον βιογραφίαν του Πυθαγόρου;

Part of : Πλάτων : περιοδικό της Εταιρείας Ελλήνων Φιλολόγων ; Vol.54, No.1, 2004, pages 106-134

Parallel Title:
Are there passages from Jamblichus' work on the Pythagorean way of life which can be traced back to the eydoxean biography of Pythagoras?
Keeping in mind that Jamblichus'reference to the religious backgroundof the anachronistic duel between the philosopher Pythagoras and thetyrant Phalaris has nothing to do with the Eudoxean biography ofPythagoras, we have reason to believe that Jamblichus' attitude towardsthe problem of the deification of Pythagoras is out of line withEudoxeanism. On the other hand, we may reach the conclusion thatJamblichus did not doubt Pythagoras'ability to practice a form of musicaltherapy for both body and soul and to judge human character from itsphysical appearance because he had been influenced by Eudoxus' approachto Pythagoreanism. Moreover, it is suggested that Jamblichus'evaluation of some aspects of Pythagoras'dietary regimen, which is basedupon the principle that health is due to a correct proportion of food andexercise, can be traced back to the Eudoxean biography of Pythagoras. Toour way of thinking, Jamblichus' reference to Pythagoras' disgust at theSamian rejection of all cultural activities may go back to Eudoxus, whoprobably laid special emphasis on the historical background of Pythagoras'decision to emigrate from Samos to Croton. In this connection we maynote that in all probability Jamblichus praised Pythagoras for his perfect character and underlined the fact that Pythagoras and his followers neverpassed flattering remarks about anybody because he had been influencedby Eudoxus' approach to Pythagoreanism. In our opinion, it is also worthrecalling that Jamblichus' assertion that Pythagoras constituted three linesof political regimes by joining the ends of those lines which, then, formeda right angle has a great deal to do with Menaechmus' commentary onsome mathematical and astronomical passages taken from Plato''s Republicand can be traced back to the Eudoxean biography of Pythagoras. In viewof the biographical material preserved by Eudoxus, we maintain that it wasnatural for Jamblichus to stress the point that Pythagoras remainedfaithful to the moral implications of τώπόρρητον της φιλοσοφίας byemphasizing the importance of the five- pointed star (πεντάγραμμον ),which symbolized the divine protection of the Pythagorean community.With a view to sheding light on the foundations of Pythagoras' belief in thedivine protection of the Pythagorean community, Eudoxus did notdisregard the fact that Pythagoras became the founder of a way of life thatproduced for those who could realize that no man is wise, but god alone.
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