Ο αγιορείτης Ευθύμιος "σταυρουδάς" πάροικος στη Σκιάθο κατά την Επανάσταση
Part of : Μακεδονικά ; Vol.25, 1986, pages 105-110
Parallel Title:
Euthimios «stavroudas», the monk from Mt Athos, resides in Skiathos during the revolution.
Section Title:
The monk Euthimios «stavroudas», who led a monastic life in the cell ofthe Presentation of the Virgin Mary of the Caracalla monastery at Karyes ofMt Athos, fled to Skiathos in 1 821-22, together with other monks from MtAthos, after its submission to the Turks. He was given hospitality in the historical monastery of the Annunciation, founded by Kollivades (Mt Athos’monks) at the end of tne 18th c, and he became the confessor of the island.He died there in 1829.
Subject (LC):
856:https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/makedonika/article/view/5784, DOI: https://doi.org/10.12681/makedonika.223
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