[Βιβλιοκριτική] Paschalis M. Kitromilides(ed.)The handbook of Political science: A Symposium in Criticism: Handbook of Political Science, Volume I,3,5,8.
Part of : Επιθεώρηση κοινωνικών ερευνών ; Vol.35, 1979, pages 208-221
Section Title:
Book reviews
Δεν διατίθεται περίληψη.
Subject (LC):
See the reviews of the eight volumes in The American Political Science Review, Vol. LXXI, No. 4 (December, 1977), pp. 1621-36., Handbook of Political Science, Volume I: PoliticalScience: Scope and Theory, ed. by Fred I. Greensteinand Nelson W. Polsby, Reading, Mass., AddisonWesley, 1975. 414 pp, Handbook of Political Science, Volume 3: Macropolitical Theory, ed. by Fred I. Greenstein and Nelson W. Polsby, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley,1975. 648 pp., Handbook of Political Science, Volume 5: Governmental Institutions and Processes, ed. by Fred I.Greenstein and Nelson W. Polsby, Reading, Mass.,Addison-Wesley, 1975. 459 pp., Handbook of Political Science, Volume 8: International Relations, ed. by Fred I. Greenstein and Nelson W. Polsby, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley,1975. 450 pp.