Outbreaks of cholera, capitalism and humanitarianism : Power grabs and the unmaking of corporeality in Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Part of : Επιθεώρηση κοινωνικών ερευνών ; Vol.140/141, 2013, pages 185-201

Parallel Title:
Ξεσπάσματα χολέρας, καπιταλισμός και ανθρωπιστική δράση : Δίκτυα εξουσίας και η αποδιάρθρωση της σωματικότητας στην Αϊτή και στη Δομινικανή Δημοκρατία
Section Title:
The outbreak of cholera in Dominican Republic and Haiti following the 2010 Haitian earthquake led to shoring up national security regimes and placing the Haitianblack body and Haitian lands under intense scrutiny of geopolitical debates about humanitarianism and reconstruction. Reconstruction and biosecurity discourses,engaging with disease risks and minimizing contagion, deemphasized the various forms of slaughtering, death and profit making endeavors by foreign sovereignstates and organizations desiring to secure an imperial position in the world through a politics of slavery and wiping clean Haitian landscapes. The struggles of Haitians highlight how the imaginary and practices of neoliberal governancedepend on terror and rendering vast populations as living dead.
Subject (LC):
Haiti, Cholera, slavery, reconstruction-as-death, corporeality, Αϊτή, χολέρα, δουλεία, ανασυγκρότηση-ως-θάνατος, σωματικότητα
Electronic Resources:
References (1):
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