No woman is illegal : Re-introducing antiracism in feminism

Part of : Επιθεώρηση κοινωνικών ερευνών ; Vol.140/141, 2013, pages 203-216

Parallel Title:
Καμιά γυναίκα δεν είναι παράνομη : Επανεισάγοντας τον αντι-ρατσισμό στο φεμινισμό
Section Title:
This is an approach of the issue of anti-racism in relation to feminism taking as example the German speaking countries. We argue that the efforts of some representatives of “feminism” to legitimize structural racism in the name of women’s rights had great acceptance in the public sphere of several European countries. In some cases this situation even created alliances between the far right and feminists. Onthe other hand, anti-immigrant policies in the name of women’s liberation generated resistance in both social movements and theoretical approaches in the field ofanti-racist feminism. Especially self-organizations of migrant women have played a leading role in the political movement against anti-immigrant measures as well in the theoretical approach to anti-racist feminism.
Subject (LC):
Anti-racist feminism, migration, self-organization of migrant women, “white” feminism, women’s rights, αντι-ρατσιστικός φεμινισμός, μετανάστευση, αυτο-οργάνωση των μεταναστριών, «λευκός» φεμινισμός, γυναικεία δικαιώματα
Electronic Resources:
References (1):
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