Χριστιανοί και μουσουλμάνοι στο Ιεροδικείο του Χάνδακα : ειδήσεις για τον ναχιγέ Μαλεβιζίου (1669-1689)

Part of : Μνήμων ; Vol.33, 2014, pages 11-50

Parallel Title:
Christians and Muslims in the Kadı Court of Kandiye : News from the nahiye of Malevizi (1669-1689)
Section Title:
This paper studies the relations between Christians and Muslims residents of Malevizi, a Kandiye neighboring province (nahiye), during the first two decades after the Ottoman conquest of Crete. The Ottoman court records (sicil) of Kandiye, namely codes 3, 4 and 5, revealed im- portant information about the daily lives and relationships between Mus- lims and Zimmi residents of the province. Marriages and divorces bet- ween them, buying and selling real estate (houses, vineyards, fields and orchards), conversions to Islam, cases which fell within the criminal law, probate inventories and, finally, the rudimentary communal organization of the province are the main thematic sections of this paper. The docu- ments of the Ottoman court records help the reader to form a tentative opinion about the lives of the residents in Malevizi. This routine seems to reflect the economy and society at this historical time and place. For this reason, a detailed study of the large cities and their neighboring provinces is of great historical importance, in order to better understand the Ottoman Crete.
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