Συμπραγματευόμενοι Ρωμαῖοι σὲ μία νέα ἐπιγραφὴ τῆς Θεσσαλονίκης
Part of : Τεκμήρια ; Vol.2, 1996, pages 8-15
Parallel Title:
Negotiatores in a new inscription from Thessalonike
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This paper presents a marble statue-base which was recently discoveredon the site of the ancient forum in Thessalonike. On its front surface it bears asix-line honorary inscription, in which the Roman negotiatores ofThessalonike pay tribute to Marcus Papius Maximus, son of Marcus (Papius),figures hitherto unknown in the Roman prosopography. The reference to theimperial cult dates the inscription to between 27 B.C. and A.D. 14 and alsoyields the name of a priest and agonothetes, likewise unknown: NicolausDemetrius ("[son] of Clitomachus").This inscription is the earliest of those so far found in Thessalonike thatrefer to the body of Roman negotiatores. This evidence confirms that thenumber of Italian immigrants in the capital of Macedonia must already havebeen considerable at the beginning of the Imperial period. Consequently, itoverturns the view that isolated family groups settled in Thessalonike duringthe 1st century A.D.The paper makes an initial study of the subject of the Papius family, aswell as the more specific topographical question concerning the exactlocation of the sanctuary of the imperial cult in Thessalonike. The likeliest siteof this as yet unidentified sanctuary is considered to be the area betweenMakedonikis Amynis St. and Agnostou Stratiotou St., on a higher mound tothe north of the ancient forum, on the other side of Olympou St., which at thattime was one of the main thoroughfares, though at a much lower level than itis today.
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