Ἀπελευθερωτικὴ ἐπιγραφὴ ἀπὸ ἱερὸ τῆς Ἐνοδίας (Ἐξοχὴ Κοζάνης)

Part of : Τεκμήρια ; Vol.2, 1996, pages 69-81

Parallel Title:
A new manumission from a sanctuary of Enodia (Exochi, Kozani)
Section Title:
Three manumission records, dating to the second half of the third centuryAD, are already known from the sanctuary of the goddess Enodia, which wasprobably situated near the village of Exochi in the prefecture of Kozani. Thenew manumission inscription published here is dated the twelfth day of themonth of Dystros in the year AD 223/4, which was also, as the inscriptionstates, the day (or one of the days) of the goddess's festival. As is the case withother inscriptions, the manumission takes the form of the dedicating of theslave to the deity expressed by the usual verb έχαρισάμην.The terms of the manumission are: i) the slave, named Hermes, mustremain (προσμεϊνε) with his owner, Aurelia Julia, for the rest of her life andlook after her in her old age (γηροβοσκήσε); and ii) he must offer his servicesto the goddess on the days when celebrations are being held in the sanctuary(υπηρετούντα τές έθείμοις συναγωγές).The owner also specifies that, after her death, her slave shall be άνεπίληπτος -i.e that no-one shall be able to claim him from the sanctuary. This is thefirst time this interesting term, which is also encountered in manumissioninscriptions from other areas, has been found in a macedonian manumission.
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