Το τέλος τού μακεδονικού ελέγχου στον Ραμνούντα

Part of : Τεκμήρια ; Vol.12, 2014, pages 155-178

Section Title:
Pausanias mentions the liberation of four fortresses of Attica from Macedonianrule in 229/8 B.C. –Peiraeus, Mounichia, Salamina and Sounion– without, however,providing any information on the fortresses of Rhamnous and Eleusis. This paperexamines critically the earlier literature, in which it is usually accepted as a givenfact that the entire countryside of Attica has been liberated in 229/8 B.C.;furthermore, it focuses on the case of Rhamnous and, based on the epigraphicdata, it presents three arguments substantiating that this fortress has beenliberated before the four abovementioned ones and in particular circa 257/6 B.C.The first argument is related to the increased number of inscriptions dated after256 B.C., a fact implying that the deme had henceforth returned to its previousdemocratic customs. The second argument has to do with the procedure followedfor the setting in office of the general for the coastal countryside: until 257/6 B.C.the general was being appointed by the King, whilst after this date he was beingelected, according to the Athenian democratic laws.The last argument is based on the analysis of the population groups ofRhamnous, civil as well as military. The frequency of references to civil groupsseems to have remained unchanged throughout the 3rd century B.C. On thecontrary, the mentioning of military groups operating in Rhamnous is notconsistent: the group of isoteleis disappears after the 250’s, being in all probabilityreplaced by the paroikoi, a group that appears only after the mid-3rd century. Themost crucial group, however, is that of the citizens serving as soldiers inRhamnous: they were Athenian citizens who performed their military service inRhamnous and they are mentioned in the site’s inscriptions strictly after 252/1B.C., while at Sounion they only appear after its liberation in 229/8 B.C.
Subject (LC):
Ιστορία , Επιγραφική
Τα keywords παρέχονται από πηγή εκτός τεκμηρίου
Electronic Resources:
References (44):
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