The Casma Valley of Peru : a cradle of pre-Inka astronomy

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.14, No.3, 2014, pages 169-178

The earliest large-scale structures in Peru that suggest intentional astronomical orientations are found during the Late Archaic in the Supe Valley of Norte Chico and in the Casma Valley dating to 2500-3500 BCE. Major features were sunken circular plazas, stairways, pyramids, and plazas suggesting the ritual movement across a tripartite cosmos, as well as orientations to December solstice sunrise/ June solstice sunset. This architectural theme continued to be expressed into the Early Horizon (1000-200 BCE) in twelve major sites in the Casma Valley. Nine have orientations to the June solstice or December solstice sunrises. The mound of Sechín Alto, the largest in the Americas, is topped with a U-shaped structure facing June solstice sunrise. Chankillo, one of the most extensively studied sites in the Casma Valley, has a labyrinthine U-shaped structure facing December solstice sunrise. The Casma Valley may have been a major pilgrimage route to Chavín de Huantar, which continued this tradition of the tripartite cosmos as well as adding a water cult. The role of replicating cultural units is discussed with respect to maintaining cultural continuity within the Casma valley and its neighborhood.
Subject (LC):
Chavín de Huantar, Chankillo, Sechín Alto, mounds, ritual stairs, shamanic ascent
Περιέχει 11 εικόνες και 2 πίνακες.
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