The Abbasid occupation at Gadara (Umm Qais), 2011 excavation season

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.15, No.2, 2015, pages 11-25

This paper focuses on the Abbasid remains that were uncovered during the season of 2011 excavation in Gadara, Jordan. It describes the architectural remains and the main types, shapes, and characters of the groups of pottery findings. Part of the paper is a comparative study for the pottery types. It is clarified the Abbasid settlement in the site through studying the pottery objects, and provides clues on the relations and trade bounds that link the site with the centers of pottery production of the Abbasid period. Especially more light is shed on settlement patterns in the Islamic Umm Qais and attest to the intensive development of the site over a period of the Abbasids.
Subject (LC):
Abbasid, occupation, Gadara (Umm Qais), excavation, Jordan, pottery
Corresponding author: Ma'en Omoush (
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