Burials from Wadi Mudayfa' ta and Wadi Abu Khasharif, Southern Jordan - Results of a survey and salvage excavations'

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.9, No.2, 2009, pages 85-108

This paper presents the preliminary results of a survey and excavations conducted in 2006 on small cemeteries at Wadi Mudayfaʹat and Wadi Abu Khasharif, which are located c. 30 km southeast of the village of al‐Hussayniah on the Desert Highway insouthern Jordan. In total five graves were excavated. Preservation was excellent including human and other organic materials (hair, leather, textiles). Preliminary scientific dating points to the period between the second and fourth centuries AD. The researchquestions discussed are: ‐ the date, the relationship between the cemeteries and surrounding sites, the significance of this area, the identity of the groups buried, the burial techniques and practices adopted and what influenced them and the funerary gifts included with the dead.
Subject (LC):
Burials, burial customs, Roman Jordan, Nabataeans
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