Systematic observation of the change of marks of known buried archaeological structures : case study in the plain of Philippi, Eastern Macedonia, Greece

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.15, No.2, 2015, pages 129-142

In aerial and remote sensing archaeology the determination of the best period for the image acquisition in each study area is of major importance. This allows for a large number of marks to be indentied in the selected studied area. The first step before the collection of images (archival and/or new image acquisitions) for the studied area is the identification of the Theoretically Best Period for Marks Detection (TBPMD) of the buried archaeological structures. The second step (before the supply of new image acquisitions) is to check the reliability of TBPMD. This study proposes a documentation methodology of TBPMD that is based on the results of a systematic observation (change of intensity) of marks of known archaeological structures. An image acquisitions system (remote control balloon) was used for the pilot study. Images were acquired every month for the period of one year in archaeological positions with known buried structures (Via Egnatia in the plain of Philippi, Eastern Macedonia, Greece). Analytical meteorological-climatic data of the area was collected and studied at the same time. The results of the study are encouraging, as they allow for further reduction of TBPMD in half days.
Subject (LC):
aerial and remote sensing archaeology, remote control balloon, systematic observation, crop and soil mark
Corresponding author: Dimitris Kaimaris (
References (1):
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