Basalt Ionic Capitals from Roman period, Jordan : a comparative study

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.15, No.2, 2015, pages 229-241

The study of the decorative of architectural elements is considered one of the most important studies contributing to an understanding of the extent of the cultural and technical development of the Roman society. The Jordan is one of the sites that contain the architecture and the arts through the ages, especially the classical era. The article includes a study of the Basalt Ionic Capitals during the Roman period. Ionic capitals has been selected as a case study because one of the most important architectural elements that have spread through the Greek era and evolved in the Roman era. The ionic basalt capitals spread in some of the Province of Arabia especially in southern Syria (Gadara and Bosra). This article provides a study of Basalt ionic capitals from one main site in Jordan (Gadara); we compare them with other sites in Jordan (Gerasa); Syria (Bosra); Lebanon (Baalbek); Egypt (Alexandria); Italy (Rome); and Libya (Lepcis Magna). In studying ionic capitals, we find two types the first, ionic capitals decorated with the ionic cyma (ovolo), and the second, ionic capitals without the ionic cyma. They study provides a description and a comparative study regarding the first type, wherein those found on the Roman at Gadara and other Roman sites. In studying ionic capitals, appeared the design of the ionic capitals carved of basalt stone resample. it seem from the same school especially in the southern Syria (Gadara and Bosra) it’s clear through of the decorative motif of ionic capitals. In general, the Gadara and Bosra artists (the sculptor of the architectural elements) showed great ability and technical skill in producing these decorative elements, using only locally available basalt stone as a raw material.
Subject (LC):
Roman Decapolis, Gadara, Bosra, Basalt Ionic Capitals, description and comparative study, architectural
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References (1):
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