Archaeomagnetic intensity of ceramic sherds from two Rhodian Byzantine churches : a preliminary initiative

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.13, No.2, 2013, pages 221-229

Archaeointensity results were obtained from ceramic sherds incorporated in the ‘mortar’ of two Rhodian Byzantine churches. Samples were analysed using a modified Thellier method with samples orientated so that the Natural Remanent Magnetization is at right angles to the applied laboratory field. Only a few samples showed high magnetic stability and an archaeointensity result was obtained from ceramic sherds (tilebrick) from the lower interior walls of the church (Afandou Katholiki). Comparison with the Geomagnetic Field Variation plot indicated the probability density of possible dates between ~1000 to ~1500 AD. a date, broadly consistent with historical records.
Subject (LC):
Rhodian Byzantine Churches, archaeointensity, ceramic sherds, modified Thellier method, dating
Περιέχει εικόνες, πίνακες και διαγράμματα
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