Migration on Rhodes during the Mycenaean period

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.4, No.1, 2004, pages 61-72

Section Title:
This paper reviews issues of migration and ethnicity as far as Rhodes is concerned during theMycenaean period. Thus a better understanding of these terms is offerred by highlighting theirmeaning and they ways they operate. The next step is to present the migration hypotheses thataffect directly Rhodes and their basic points. The analysis used here is one that derives from theburial context due to the amount of evidence that is available in sharp contrast to the limited datacoming from settlements. The local characteristics, the similarities and differences with mainlandGreece and more particularly with the Argolid are also discussed. The conclusion proposes that onRhodes there seems to be a strong local character with close interaction with the Argolid. Moreoverthe available evidence argues against a migration and an ethnic origin of the local poluation fromthe Argolid during the Mycenaean period.
Subject (LC):
Ethnicity, Thalassocracy, Chamber tomb, Emblemic insignia