Regional higher institutes and their contribution to the local economic development : a case study of Greek Public Tertiary Education Institutes

Part of : Αρχείον οικονομικής ιστορίας ; Vol.XXIV, No.1, 2012, pages 7-26

Nowadays there is a growth of interest in measuring the impacts of Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) on regional economies. HEIs potentially contribute to regional economic development through their spending and knowledge functions. In this line the goal of the present study is to estimate the effects of Greek public HEIs in regional economic growth and, specifically, in terms of Gross Domestic Product per region (prefecture). Generally, we examine the essential role of HEI as territorial actors and we investigate whether HEIs generate regional economic development outcomes that would otherwise not occur. From our results, we support that the HEIs presence was positive and statistically significant with the local growth and this entails that the local economies benefit from the presence of HEIs.
Subject (LC):
regional higher institutes, greek public tertiary institutes, local economic development, spending impacts, knowledge effects
JEL classification: R10, R11
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