The application of “Management by Objectives” in the management of an educational organisation

Part of : Αρχείον οικονομικής ιστορίας ; Vol.XXI, No.2, 2009, pages 147-159

The challenges of the 21st century demand of the educational organisations to be flexible and able to adjust in a competitive way to the changes and to face creatively all new knowledge within the society of information. (Bourantas D., 2001). The role of the manager of an educational organization in the accomplishment of the above mentioned objectives has become most important. The development of creativity, the decision making on behalf of academics, the continuous improvement of human resources, the satisfaction of the needs of the individual, the total and effective participation of everyone in the attainment ofan efficient and competitive educational organisation constitute the future demands from all factors of the educational unit. The manager of the educational unit has an important role in its culture. The modern school demands managers with increased responsibilities, organisational and administrative skills, good interpersonal relationships and initiative taking skills. The days when the manager was just handling the mail correspondence and choosing a manager was just a natural conclusion of his/her professional career are long gone. The aim of each manager should be, through a series of activities and the use of modernmanagement tools such as “Management by Objectives”, for the school unit to meet the new challenges in a worldwide level.
Subject (LC):
Empowerment, Productivity, Educational Leadership and Strategy
JEL classification: M12, M54