The timing of international trade policy reforms : The role of agenda-setting processes

Part of : Αρχείον οικονομικής ιστορίας ; Vol.XXVIII, No.1, 2016, pages 35-60

This paper examines the timing of international trade policy reforms, specifically in the agricultural policy domain. We argue that the readiness for change is present when sufficient number of actors values alternative policies, and when actors have little choice, but to implement change. Negotiation of new policies also becomes possible if analytical instruments allow measurement of policy failures and comparison of policy alternatives. We demonstrate that decision to initiate talks over new, more liberal trade rules in the GATT Uruguay Round (1986-1994) was due to the gradual adoption of new visions of agricultural regulation in the USA and the EC, escalating trade tensions between these economies, and active involvement of expert community in the creation of analytical instruments.
Subject (LC):
reform timing, international trade policy, GATT, framing, agenda setting, readiness for change, analytical instruments
JEL Classification: F13; F51; N70; P1; Q17.
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