Digital storytelling teaching robotics basics

Part of : Themes in science and technology education ; Vol.6, No.1, 2013, pages 39-49

Digital Storytelling (DST) is a powerful tool for teaching complex concepts. DSTs are typically used in the humanities but several papers have shown that they are also a wonderful tool for the sciences because they are more involving, contextualized and can easily lead to deeper understanding. In the classical use of DST the story is the content, while the digital medium is the way of telling it. Our approach is slightly different: the story is not the content but a glue for the main contents, while the digital medium remains the way to tell the story. We propose the use of DST as a means to teach surgeons the basics of robotic surgery, by using a story that should be involving for them, i.e. a surgical operation, within which we will illustrate specific concepts on robotics in surgery.
Subject (LC):
Digital storytelling, robotics, training
This research was supported by SAFROS project ( funded by EU under grant agreement n. 248960. MS would like to thank Daniele Agostini for his invaluable support and comments.
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