The use-wear analysis of the quartzite lithic assemblage from the Middle Palaeolithic zite of Foz do Enxarrique (Rodao, Portugal)

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.16, No.3, 2016, pages 107-126

The Middle Palaeolithic site of Foz do Enxarrique is located on the right bank of the Tagus River at the mouth of the Enxarrique stream. The excavations revealed a single archaeological level together with a large lithic assemblage associated with a relatively small amount of bones and teeth of large mammals. Uraniumseries determinations on equid and bovid teeth provide an average date of 33.600 ±500 BP. The use-wear analysis was conducted on 110 lithic artefacts selected from the finds found in the central area of the excavation. During the use-wear study were analysed all the unretouched flakes with potential functional edges, good surface preservation and showing the presence of removals and/or roundings localized on the edges of the artefacts, thus indicating ancient use. Despite of the good condition of the lithic artefacts and the relatively good preservation of the faunal remains, it is clear that the material has been slightly reworked by to geological and biological factors. The use-wear study shows that the assemblage is dominated by tools with traces of activities linked to the acquisition and processing of animal carcasses but there are also tools with traces linked to the processing of other materials (such as skin and wood). According with the data obtained from the use-wear analysis and from the other studies carried out, we can conclude that the site of Foz do Enxarrique is probably a hunting camp or more likely a medium term occupations base camp, related to seasonal river floods.
Subject (LC):
Portugal, Mousterian, Quartzite, Use-wear analysis, Neanderthals behaviors, Tagus valley
Περιέχει 11 εικόνες και 3 πίνακες
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