Από τον Πολύπαθη στο Ταμασάϊ Ντουνγιά

Part of : Δελτίο Εταιρείας Μελέτης της καθ' ημάς Ανατολής ; Vol.Γ, 2011, pages 685-701

Parallel Title:
Greek literature, Ottoman Empire, first nove, Polipathis, Temasa-I Dunya
19th century marks the time when 'novel', in the western sense, appears in the Ottoman and Greek literatures. At that time, Otttoman and Greek societies were at the brink of very diverse historical and social changes. Ottoman Empire was trying to Westernize. Greece had just founded as a national state. The first novels puplished in an empire and a national state were products of different historical and social circumstances. Surprisingly enough, the first Greek novel, Polipathis will inspire Tema§a-i Dünya, which is accepted among the first Ottoman novels. The first novels written in the Ottoman Empire are rahter interesting. Two of the first published three novels were written in alphabets other than Ottoman. The novel Agapi, which was published in 1851 in Istanbul, was written in the Armenian alphabet, yet it sounds Ottoman Turkish while reading. Agapi is coupled with Tema§a-i Dünya ve Cefakâr u Cefake§. Temaçai Dünya was published in 1871-72, which was written in greek alphabet with an Ottoman Turkish phonetics. Paralleling the identities of their writers, these two novels convey the lives of Armenian and Greek communities of the Empire rather than the lives of Muslims. Tema§a-i Dünya ve Cefakâr u Cefake§ is not a genuine novel in the proper sense. Evangelinos Misaiilidis Efendi from Kula, re-edited Poliapthis, the greek novel published by Grigorios Paleologos at Athens in 1839, and published Tema§a-i Dünya as if it was his original work in Istanbul in 1871 - 72. This article will investigate why a novel written for the greeks has an impact on the readers who live within the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire and the alterations it had.
Subject (LC):
Greek Literature, Ottoman Empire, first novel, Poliapthis, Temasa-i Dunya
References (1):
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