Αρχαία παραλλαγὴ της Κυριακής προσευχής : (Λουκ. 11,2)

Part of : Θεολογία : τριμηνιαία έκδοση της Ιεράς Συνόδου της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος ; Vol.48, No.1, 1977, pages 33-39

The present study deals with the ancient variant reading of Luke 11,2 as found in Codex D, in later manuscripts (e. g. cod. 700 and 162) and in Patristic Tradition (Marcian, Gregory of Nyssa, Maximus the Confessor). This particular reading of Luke 11,2, the author feels, is due to the influence which the worship and practice of the Church had upon the New Testament text in general and the Lord's Prayer in particular. Thus, the author is of the opinion that the variant reading: «Let Thy Holy Spirit come upon us and cleanse us», (instead of: «Thy Kingdom come»,) is not from the pen of St. Luke, since no such invocation of the Holy Spirit is to be found anywhere in the Synoptic Gospels. Rather, this phrase entered the Dominical Prayer because of the prayer's recitation: a) before the reception of Holy Communion and possibly before the consacration of the elements during which the Holy Spirit is invoked; and /or b) before the baptism of the Neophytes: hence the emphasis on cleaning and purification. The author feels that the use of the plural «us» and the fact that the ordinand has already received the Holy Spirit through Baptism rule out Metzger's contention that Its recitation before the ordination of clerics brought about the variant reading.
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