The Doctrine of the Church in contemporary Theology
Part of : Θεολογία : τριμηνιαία έκδοση της Ιεράς Συνόδου της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος ; Vol.48, No.4, 1977, pages 763-794
Subject (LC):
References (1):
- Brunner, Emil, The Misunderstanding of the Church, London, 1952.Durkerley, Roderick, (ed.), The Ministry and the Sacraments, London, 1937.Jenkins, Daniel, Congregational: A Restatement, U.S.A., 1954.Hodgson, Leonard, Convictions, Responses of the Churches to Lausanne, New York, 1934.Hodgson, Leonard (ed.), Faith and Order, Edinburgh, 1937.Nelson, Robert, The Realm of Redemption, London, 1951.World Conference on Faith and Order, Lausanne, 1027, Faith and Order (H. N. Bate, Ed.,), 1927.World Conference on Faith and Order, The Nature of the Church: A Report of the American Theological Committee, 1945.World Council of Churches, First Assembly, Amsterdam, 1948, Man's Disorder and God's Design (one Volume edition of 4 vols).