Quality of Life in the third age : a descriptive analysis

Part of : Κοινωνική πολιτική ; Vol.5, 2016, pages 29-37

The observed increase in life expectancy in Europe has resonably caused an ongoing increase in the study of quality of life in the third age, giving special emphasis on finding those determinant factors that may establish or provide a high quality of life for the elderly. The present paper1 investigates the measurment of the quality of life of individuals that are aged 50 and over, with data drawn from the latest available wave from the Share project and its possible relation to a number of socio-demographic variables for all participating countries.
Subject (LC):
SHARE project, Quality of Life, CASP-12 scale, Έρευνα SHARE, Ποιότητα της Ζωής, Κλίμακα CASP-12
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