Ή έννοια της «Conditio humana» εις τον Σενέκαν

Part of : Πλάτων : περιοδικό της Εταιρείας Ελλήνων Φιλολόγων ; Vol.ΛΒ-ΛΓ, No.63-66, 1980, pages 329-340

The sense of term «condicio humana» was formed by Seneca within the framework of the tradition of Greek thought, his experiences, and the needs of the circumstances of his era, which, being uncontrolled by the individual, cause him oppression and psychological and moral problems. So, he searches ïor man's right behaviour in order to attain his psychological balance and stability (a state in which man is relieved from the negative feelings of fear and sorrow). This, man will achieve by understanding the powers which he is subjected to, aud which, like laws, bound his existence, and by facing the truth oi his lot realisticly and pragmaticly. Thus he coexists with his lot, relying upon himself. G.h. consists of the concepts of human nature and the real conditions of physical and historic reality, which constitute the external and internal factors determining his existence, his place in the world. This is «the consciousness of man». The meaning of c.h. has a restrictive, passive, humanistic and negative character. In the latter case Seneca attaches a dramatic sense to the human lot. The understanding of c.h. relies on the anthropological and philosophic perception, that is the consciousness of human state is based on human nature and the perspective under which Seneca sees it is typical of humanistic morality, that is man's behaviour depends upon the knowledge of the peculiarity of the conditions of man's existence. By the awareness of e.h., i.e. by lhe conscious acceptance of unalterable terms of his existence and the knowledge of his basic problems and possibilities, man masters and evaluates his lot and exercises effectivelly the «ars vivendi».
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