Τό Διοικητικό καί Νομικό Πλαίσιο του Συστήματος Φυσικού Προγραμματισμού στην Ελλάδα

Part of : Πόλη και περιφέρεια : έκδοση μελετών του χώρου ; No.1, 1981, pages 47-66

Parallel Title:
The Administrative and Legal Frame of the Physical Planning System in Greece
The main organs of the «plysical» planning system in Greece are a series of ministries and public agencies. The ministry responsible for general policy in the fields of national/regional planning and the environment, and for the preparation of the national/regional planning studies, is the Ministry of Coordination (MC), while the ministry responsible for matters of urban planning, public works and the road network is the Ministry of Public Works (MPW). In 1979, government positions on the model for development and national physical organisation were for the first time given official form, however, they are Utopian, fragmentary and far too casual; they are marked by an attempt at confronting the serious regional inequality, which is the result of the laws of functioning of Greek capitalism, with the vague concept and the internationally unsuccessful policy of development poles. No regional planning study and no master plan has been given legal status, and the mechanisms and economic resources for implementation are lacking in practice even today. Urban development has been tied to basically geometric city plans, which do not follow urban planning principles and are frequently the expression of mechanisms of real-estate profiteering. Aside from the MC and MPW, certain other ministries and public agencies are concerned with physical (and environmental) planning the ministries of the Interior, Agriculture, Industry and Energy, Social Services, and Culture and Sciences, as well as the local authorities, the Centre of Planning and Economic Research (KEPE) - supervised by the MC-, the Public Corporation for Housing and Urban Development (DEPOS)- supervised by the MPW-, the Greek Industrial Development Bank (ETVA A.E.), the National Tourist Organisation of Greece (EOT)- supervised by the minister to the Prime Minister-, the Autonomous Organisation for Workers' Housing (AOEK) - supervised by the ministry of Labour-, the Autonomous Building Organisation for Officers (AOOA), the Public Power Corporation (DEI), and the Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation (OTE). Their formal responsibilities concern, more specifically: a. On the national/regional scale: regional planning; regional planning of industry and tourism; regional organisation of agriculture, use of forests and forested areas and rural settlements;and landscape protection and architecture. b. On the urban scale: master plans and city plans; traditional settlements; industrial parks and zones; touristic sites and zones; and the housing rehabilitation of certain social groups. c. As concerns the networks: the forest road network; and the power and telecommunications networks. d. As concerns the ecological protection of the environment: sanitary protection of the environment of the settlements and the major ecological environments; protection of the agricultural environment, forests and water resources for agricultural use; protection of the environment from agricultural and industrial pollution; and garbage and street cleaning Main weaknesses of the physical planning system in Greece are lack of effectiveness, over-centralisation and authoritarianism, and lack of real coordination. The second of these points is accompanied by lack of real participation by the regional administrative agencies, local government, agencies outside the system, and citizens. Specifically as concerns the relations between the state and the citizens, while in their official form they exclude the citizens from the planning process, in practice official relations coexist with informal pressures or reactions, with a considerable degree of effectiveness. Until 10 years ago, urban planning legislation was exceptionally limited, in spite of its complexity, referred to narrowly technical arrangements of space and was static in character; national/regional planning legislation was nonexistent. The framework for a more modern urban and regional planning legislation began to be created during the 70' s, but in spite of this, Greek physical planning legislation is marked by great insufficiency and lack of modernisation. Within the new framework, planning projects are given a dynamic and comprehensive character and the state intervenes actively in the regulation of space. Up to today, this framework essentially has not been put into practice: urban intervention still shows the characteristics we described of the legislation in force before the last decade, and official national/regional plans are essentially nonexistent. Simultaneously, the new urban planning legislation favours big capital and discriminates against the lower income groups; this last fact has created strong reactions as a result of which the new legislation is now being modified.
Subject (LC):
References (1):
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