Κατανομή της καπνοβιομηχανίας και του καπνεμπορίου στον Ελλαδικό χώρο : πορεία αυξανόμενης συγκέντρωσης

Part of : Πόλη και περιφέρεια : έκδοση μελετών του χώρου ; No.7, 1983, pages 11-40

Parallel Title:
Distribution of tobacco manufacturing and trading industry in Greece : a process of increasing spatial concentration
This article advances a metnodological approach for the study of industrial location through the analysis of tobacco industry in Greece. The history of tobacco industry is one of increasing spatial concentration which is caused by a different interplay of factors in the three main periods that can be distinguished. The approach that is advanced suggests that the industrial location phenomenon is a social process. Industrial location decisions are taken by the owners of the means of production and are constrained by their productive priorities. These decisions are a product of a multiplicity of factors, not merely economic but political, ideological, cultural and other conditions prevalent in the country, the position of particular fractions of capHal within those conditions as well as the particular inputs and outputs, labour processes and manufacturing techniques employed by the specific industry under question. That is, there is a close interaction between the actions of firms and their social environment which indicates the necessity for a conceptualization of changes in the social formation as a whole. Moreover, the state cannot alter, the above mentioned, capricious nature of the industrial location process because, being a social relation, it is itself shaped by the very balance of social relations. Hence an uncritical and undialectical abstract theoreticism cannot predict, and can do Httle to help the understanding of the industrial location phenomenon, these can only be the product of particular historical research. Finally, it argues that the industrial location phenomenon can be studied best if the analysis is done at a branch level at the maximum level of possible disaggregation, the branch being considered in its widest sense.
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References (1):
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