Σχολεία Δεύτερης Ευκαιρίας : Ποσοτική αύξηση και εσωτερική εκπαιδευτική πολιτική. Έρευνα με βάση τις απόψεις διευθυντών ΣΔΕ και στελεχών του φορέα υλοποίησης του προγράμματος

Part of : Εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων ; No.32, 2014, pages 3-18

In this work it is examined whether the continuing and significant increase in the number of Second Chance Schools (SCS) influenced the exercise of internal educational policy in school units, according to views of SCS headmasters and executives of the SCS implementation institution. The research method of focused interview was employed in a selected sample of 24 headmasters, and additionally 7 members of the implementation institution executive stuff were interviewed. The research technique was content analysis of the research data, which were interpreted by the structuration theory. The findings show that the margins for exercise of internal educe Jonal policy mainly increased in school units, due to both the inability of the Implementation Institution to cope with the increasing demands and the greater, as time advances, experience the headmasters gained
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