Τα Οικονομικά της Ευτυχίας : Μια Εισαγωγική Παρουσίαση

Part of : Πρακτικά θέματα διοίκησης και οικονομίας : διεθνές περιοδικό ; Vol.6, No.1, (2013), pages 1-11

Parallel Title:
The Economics of Happiness : An Introductory Overview
This paper is intended to be an elementary primer to the economics of happiness. It attempts a broad introductory overview of the topics and themes associated with this rapidly growing area in economics and social sciences. It selectively picks some of the main issues and questions of debate and research and points to the relevant expanding literature.
Subject (LC):
οικονομικά της ευτυχίας, υποκειμενική ευτυχία, happiness economics, subjective well-being
References (1):
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