Νομισματικός θησαυρός από την αγορά της Πέλλας : γενικά συμπεράσματα

Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.1, No.1, 1987, pages 125-136

Parallel Title:
Hoard from the agora of Pella
The recent excavational research in the Agora of Pella revealed a hoard of 100new Athenian tetradrachma. The hoard was hidden below the floor of the western stoa of the Agora, a terminus post quem for the destruction of the room where it was found. According to the chronological order of M. Thompson, the coins of the hoard belong to the middle and the beginning of the subsequent period. The earliest mint was carried out by archons - with Asclepius as a symbol and also archon. The letters R can be read below the amphora. Two coins of archons- with a coiled snake and no name of a third archon belong to the last mint. The letter K can be read on the amphora and letters below, on one amphora, while the same letter is read on the amphora on another coin with letters below. The mint of) -S chronologically must be one of the stablest of the New Athenian coins, since it is associated with the conquer of Athens by Mithridates VI. Thus, the latest mint of the hoard of Pella is dated to 95/4 B.C. suggesting that the destruction of the Agora of Pella dates to the last decade of the 1stcentury B.C. The study of sealed handles and Roman coins found in the destruction layer of the Agora reinforce the above dating. The destruction was the result of a violentnatural phenomenon, such as an earthquake. The form and the quality of the destruction layer of many shops-workshops where many products bearing no trace of fire were found, also support such a theory. The archaeological evidence of the Agora of Pella indicates a late date of the stephanephoroi, as it has recently been suggested by the study of the coins. The late dating is further supported by the excavational data of the trench where the hoard was found. Two sealed handles found in this trench are dated to VI A period, in the late 2ndor early 1st century B.C. The finds of the filling of the trench below the floor where the hoard was hidden are also dated to the second half of the 2nd century B.C.
Subject (LC):
αρχαία νομίσματα , Πέλλα , συνέδρια , Αγορά
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