Πρώτα μηνύματα από μια πόλη της Πιερίδας κοιλάδας
Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.1, No.1, 1987, pages 343-352
Parallel Title:
Preliminary evidence for a city in the Pieris valey
An important city came to light in the Mt. Pangaion area of the province of Kavala during the leveling of the hill on the left of the village of Orphane. The excavational research of the hill lasted for one month and yielded archaic pottery. The most impressive finds were found in the five circular pits cut into the weathered rock. Two large Attic black-figure craters and part of a third one, all dated to the third quarter of the 6th century B.C., are very significant. The excavational data imply that the finds came from an important ancient city whose peak is dated between the mid-6th and the mid-5th centuries B.C. The city was diminished into a small settlement during the subsequent period. However, the future research will indicate whether this city can be identified with the Thracian city Phagres, located in the western part of the Pieris valley which is recorded by the ancient writers.
Subject (LC):
Καβάλα, συνέδρια
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