Το ιερό του ήρωα Αυλωνείτη στο Παγγαίο (ΙΙ)
Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.4, No.1, 1990, pages 503-511
Parallel Title:
Excavation at the sanctuary of hero Auloneites on Mt. Pangaion
This year we continued the excavation at the sanctuary of the hero Auloneites on Mt. Pangaion, and we discovered building II. Its plan is Π-shaped and it comprises six rooms which could accommodate three couches, three at each side, along the southern and the northern walls (triclinia). The rooms face to the central courtyard along the axes of the building. The plan of the centre of the building is not clear, because the research of that part has not been completed yet. Stamped fragments of pots, iron implements and arms, probably sacred ones related to the sacrifices, were the most characteristic finds from the interior of the building. The filling of the area of the altar contained a great quantity of bones ofcattle and sheep and goats with traces of fire; these animals were the commonestvictims of the sacrifices in honor of the heroes. The finds and the plan of the building are related to ceremonial drinking-parties(symposia), which were part of the worship of the hero. Drinking-parties related to the cult of Heracles or other heroes or deities from the 4th century and afterwards have been known in eastern Macedonia (Thasos, Herakleitsa, Philippoi, Podochori).Finally, the close association of the hero-rider with Dionysus and the funerary dinners, especially in the Hellenistic and Roman periods cannot be without significance.
Subject (LC):
Καβάλα, συνέδρια
Περιέχει σχέδια και εικόνες