Μικρό Δάσος Κιλκίς : πρώτες πληροφορίες από ένα νεκροταφείο της ενδοχώρας

Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.22, No.1, 2008, pages 469-476

Parallel Title:
Mikro Dasos of Kilkis : first evidence about a cemetery in the inland
A cemetery of the Hellenistic and roman period was revealed during the construction of the railway line on the section between the railway stations of Eidomeni and Polykastro, and specifically on a slope, in the W-NW of the village of Mikro Dasos. The excavation started at the end of the 2007 and has brought to light over a hundred burials.The tombs dating from the 2nd c B.C. till the 2nd c A.D. contained cremations in shallow pits which often were surrounded by low stone built walls, which created a rectangular cist, or by carelessly made constructions of rectangular, round or of vague plan. The tombs are organized in clusters or are surrounded by low walls, part of enclosures, round or with angles. In the 3rd c A.D. the cremations are replaced by inhumations in pit tombs or covered with tiles. The associated grave goods of the burials were rich -although typical- clay vases and figurines, coins, jewelry, weapons and tools. Extremely interesting is the presence of hand made vessels, which seem to survive in the area and continue to be used in the historical era till the 2nd c BC.
Subject (LC):
νεκροταφεία, Κιλκίς, συνέδρια
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