Soft-Hard TQM factors and key business results

Part of : WSEAS transactions on business and economics ; Vol.10, No.1, 2013, pages 14-23

The purpose of this paper is to investigate, firstly, the existence of soft and hard TQM factors in the EFQM excellence model and, secondly, their impact on key business results .The EFQM model has been used as a framework model as it is the TQM implementation referent that is most widespread and accepted in the specialized literature. The methodology used is factorial analysis to determine the existence of the soft and hard TQM factors in the EFQM model and regression analysis to establish the impact of the factors identified on the business’ key results. A sample of 116 firms have been subjected to complete assessment processes (self-assessment and external assessment) according to the EFQM model. The article suggests that (1) the factorial analysis groups together the EFQM's five facilitating agents' criteria in three factors: soft factors, the strategic management of partnership and resources and processes management; (2) the regression techniques point out the influence of the hard factors (the strategic management of partnership and resources, and processes management) on the key business results and it is noted that the influence of the soft factors on the results is produced through the mediation of the hard factors of TQM.
Subject (LC):
TQM, soft factors, hard factors, EFQM, key results, performance
Περιέχει σχήμα, πίνακες και βιβλιογραφία
References (1):
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