Βέρ(ρ)οια : η φερώνυµη του Δία πόλη
Part of : Πλάτων : περιοδικό της Εταιρείας Ελλήνων Φιλολόγων ; Vol.49, No.1, 1997, pages 241-251
Ioannis G. Möralidis: Βερ(ρ)οια (The town having the same name with Zeus).1. The name of the town Βέρ(ρ)οια / Βερόη is etymologically connected with the names Έρρος (= ό Ζευς- Hesych.; cf. Έροιάδης), βερρος / βειρος (= δασύς• Hesych.) and "Ερσος{- epith. of Apollo; inscr. in Attica), and with the three of them it originates from the prototypical and compound lexical formation *σΡέ-σροΡ-ος / *Ρέ-ρ(ρ)οος (= * «<5 αφ ' εαυτού βέων, ό εν εαυτω βόον ή βόους έχων, αύτό-ρ(ρ)υτος »), which consists of the accusative singular of the third person of the personal pronoun ( *aFe =>) Fe / ε and ε, and of the post-verbal derivative *σρόΡ-ος / βόος (cf. *σρέΡ-γω => βείω / ρέω ).2. Concerning its first component this prototypical lexical formation is confirmed by proportionate Mycenean and Homeric Greek names, in general it is verifie
d by Hesychius' equivalent ancient terms βερρον / βειρον (= δασύ), and is absolutely and objectively confirmed - historically and linguistically (morphologically and phonologically and semasiologically) - by the name Ώε-ρόη, ή (= the two streams arising from the natural division of the river Asopos and the small island between them; cf. the dual of the third person of the personal pronoun: *σΡγωέ =*> *ώέ / *ώέ and σφωέ) and by Herodotus' clear testimony (9.51.2-4) concerning the term's meaning. 3. Thus, it is inferred and proved quite easily, that the name Βέ-ρ(ρ)οια / Βε-ρόη: a) means: * «πόλις αύτό-ρ(ρ)υτος, και ίδιον ποταµον κεκτηµένη », and b) is the name of a town having the same name with Zeus (cf. *Ρέ-ρροος => : « "Ερρος∙ ό Ζευς »∙ Hesych.).
Subject (LC):
Περιέχει σημειώσεις, Μνήμη Παναγιώτου Κ. Γεωργούντζου