Τέσσερα επιπεδόγλυφα υστεροβυζαντινά γλυπτά από το Βυζαντινό Μουσείο

Part of : Δελτίον της Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας ; Vol.34, 1992, pages 277-282

Parallel Title:
Four Post-byzantine Champlevé Sculptures in the Byzantine Museum
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The reliefs presented here (Figs. 1-5) belong to thelarge sculpture collection at the Byzantine Museum.These constitute four epistyle sections with inventorynumbers T. 199 (Fig. 1), T. 335 (Fig. 2), T. 1342 (Fig. 3),and T. 1511 (Figs. 4-5). Evidence for their provenancefrom the Museum's archives is insufficient and unclear.The material used is white fine-grained pure Atticmarble.The reliefs are distinguished by Orientalising decorativemotifs betraying pronounced Islamic influences. Flat,evenly wide, interweaving bands form a continuousdecoration based on the heart-shaped anthemion motif.The arabesque-like webbing with its symmetrical repetition of piecemeal elements and the champlevé techniqueapplied, associate these architectural members with ananalogous group of sculptures with Islamisising featuresfound in Thessaly, Epirus, Macedonia, Mt. Athos, Ochrid and elsewhere. These are dated to the end of thethirteenth and the beginning of the fourteenth century.Observations on the proportions of the design, dimensions of the sculptures, carving technique, and composition of the marble indicated that all four reliefs belongto the same architectural structure, and constitute partof the inner sculptured decoration of an Attic monument. The reliefs come from the same Attic workshop.
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