Μετασχηματιστική άνάλυσις των pu-αναφορικών προτάσεων της Νέας Ελληνικής γλώσσης

Part of : Πλάτων : περιοδικό της Εταιρείας Ελλήνων Φιλολόγων ; Vol.ΚΔ, No.47-48, 1972, pages 51-65

The above paper has been basically concerned with attempting to describe and analyze in brief the pu- relative clauses in modern Greek within the transformational framework. Relevant transformational rules have been given and tree - diagrams representing the devivation of a few examples have been drawn. In addition, it has been shown that adjectives modifying head nouns are derived from relative clauses. Furthermore, some fundamental methodological principles of the tranformational grammar showing clearly the difference between the traditional grammatical approach and the new description of various grammatical phenomena have been involved in discussion.
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References (1):
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