'Η δομή της φράσεως της Έλληνικής γλώσσης

Part of : Πλάτων : περιοδικό της Εταιρείας Ελλήνων Φιλολόγων ; Vol.ΚΣΤ, No.51-52, 1974, pages 97-111

This paper has been basically concerned with attempting to describe and analyze in brief the first phrase structure rules of modern Greek within the transformational-generative framework. Specifically, the first five context-free phrase structure rules of the so-called categorial component have been formulated and their main purpose has been explained. In addition, a few paragraphs have been dedicated to the organization of the transformational grammar and a number of remarks and observations have been made on its various components. Furthermone, some fundamental methodological principles of the transformational grammar, as, for example, the difference between deep and surface structure, have been involved in discussion. In general, from what has been said in this paper has been obvious the superiority of Chomsky's transformational theory to other known linguistic theories. Thus it is stressed the need for writing more and more transformational grammars.
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