Ό νόμος της αύτοπαθείας εις τήν Nέαν Eλληνικήν γλώσσαν
Part of : Πλάτων : περιοδικό της Εταιρείας Ελλήνων Φιλολόγων ; Vol.ΚΘ, No.57-58, 1977, pages 50-64
This paper has been basically concerned with attempting to describe and analyze the reflexive pronouns in modern Greek within the transformational framework. The various arguments advanced in this paper have shown that reflexive pronouns cannot be in the base, but must be derived transformationally. The reflexivization rule and other related rules have been formulated and the ordering of these rules with respect to each other has been established. In addition, there has been simply examined the case of using verbs in the so - called middle voice, instead of the corresponding active ones with reflexive pronouns
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References (1):
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