Μαρξιστικές προσεγγίσεις στην ανάλυση των περιφερειακών θεμάτων : μιά κριτική παρουσίαση

Part of : Πόλη και περιφέρεια : έκδοση μελετών του χώρου ; No.1, 1981, pages 29-45

Parallel Title:
Marxist Approaches in Regional Analysis : a Review
1. Introduction: the theoretical question 1.1. Regional theory The central aim ot this paper is the examination of a number of new approaches in regional analysis which are based on a broader marxist framework. These approaches seem to create the preconditions for the necessary revival of regional analysis as the inadequacy of traditional theories against the background of intensifying regional problems created in the process of capitalist growth becomes apparent. 1. 2. The spatial question The first step in this examination concerns the theoretical status of the concept of space in marxist theory. Space and spatial problems is neither a theoretical nor a practical priority; on the contrary it is a level of reality subordinate to the basic processes which characterize the social formation and primarily to the social division of labour. There are no spatial problems as such but only problems some aspects of which are expressed as spatial by the fact that every historically concrete society occupies a concrete geographical space.2. The study of regional issues 2.1.General theoretical approaches In this section we present some of the conceptual frameworks elabored along these lines. Firstly there is a brief reference on the relevance of the theories of dependency and transfer of value. Then we analyze in greater detail the attempts made by Mandel and Palloix and their usefulness for a reformulation of spatial problematic: the former stresses the importance of the processes centered around the accumulation of capital, while the latter adds to the discussion the questions of productive structures and their regional manifestations. Finally, after a brief remark on the regional implications of some of the concepts put forward by Castells, we review the theoretical position of Lipietz: his view on the articulation of the modes of production - as complex relationships between economic, political and ideological instances - and the specific spatial forms which arise, represents an important, though ambitious, step towards a marxist regional theory.2. 2. The theoretical background of applied research The next question concerns the implementation of theoretical concepts in a number of case studies which attempt a concrete analysis with empirically defined objects. We review a limited number of works selected in order to illustrate both the difficulties and the advantages of an alternative theory in applied research. We include: MasseyandMeeganonthe employment effects of the reorganisation of certain advanced industrial sectors in England; Dunford on industrial restructuring and regional structures in Italy and France; Perrons on the role of Ireland in the international division of labour; Lee on the regional economic structure of the EEC; Laurencin et al. on the locational patterns of industry in the Mediterranean basin; and, finally, Secchi on the role of central and peripheral regions in the Italian economy. 3. Conclusion: the new theoretical perspective It is one of the main conclusions that a coherent marxist theoretical framework for regional analysis is lacking, and many crucial questions remain unanswered. However, the new direction has been clearly indicated. It is for the achievement of this goal that we need further research and theoretical and methodological elaboration of the basic processes of capital accumulation and valorisation, the social and spatial division of labour, the labour process, the restructuring of capital and state planning; and, finally, we need also the specification of the above concepts in concrete historical situations.
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