[Βιβλιοκριτική] D.R. Stoddart, On Geography

Part of : Πόλη και περιφέρεια : έκδοση μελετών του χώρου ; No.13, 1987, pages 147-152

Section Title:
Δεν διατίθεται περίληψη.
Subject (LC):
D.R. Stoddart, On Geography, (Basil Blackwell, 1986)
References (1):
  1. Barnes, Β., 1982, T.S. Kuhn and Social Science, London.Biliinge, M., Gregory, D., Martin, R., 1984, «Reconstructions», in Billinge, M.,Gregory, D., Martin, R., (Eds), Recollections of a Revolution, London, 3-24.Haggett, P. and Chorley, R., J., 1967, «Models, paradigms and the new Geography», in Chorley, R.J. and Haggett, P. (eds) Models in Geography, London, 19-41.Hartshorne, R., 1939, « The nature of Geography: A critical survey of current thought in the light of the past», Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 29, 171-658.Johnston, R.J., 1983, «Geography and Geographers», London.Kuhn, T.S., 1962, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago.Sayer, Α., 1985, «The difference that space makes», in Gregory, D., Urry, J. (eds), Social relations and spatial structures, London, 49-66.Stoddart, D.R., 1981, «The Paradigm concept and the history of Geography», in Stoddart, D.R. (ed), Geography, Ideology and Social Concern, Oxford, 70-80.