Selected Filter(s)
Subjects (LC)
- Τουρισμός ×
- English (282)
- Greek, Modern (1453- ) (36)
- French (2)
- Other social sciences (215)
- Economics and Business (156)
- Social and economic geography (8)
- Sociology (8)
- Earth and related Environmental sciences (8)
- Computer and information sciences (8)
- Other Humanities (6)
- Political Science (3)
- Law (3)
- Educational sciences (3)
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- Τσάρτας, Πάρις (5)
- Brida, Juan Gabriel (4)
- Χρήστου, Ευάγγελος (3)
- Josiam, Bharath M. (3)
- Χρήστου, Προκόπης (2)
- Χαϊνάς, Κωνσταντίνος (2)
- Χατζηδάκης, Αλέξης (2)
- Σωτηριάδης, Μάριος (2)
- Ζαχαράτος, Γεράσιμος Α. (2)
- Βιτουλαδίτη, Ουρανία (2)
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Found 316 record(s)