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Found 2482 record(s)
- 2454. Visiting a psychiatrist or psychologist as a consequence of the economic crisis : analysis of a sample survey between university students in Greece
- by Φράγκος, Χρήστος Κ. Frangos, Constantinos C. Manolopoulos, Ioannis, B. Σωτηρόπουλος, Ιωάννης
- Αρχείον οικονομικής ιστορίας Vol.XXV, No.2, 2013 pages: 17-37
- Abstract References (1) Information
article -
- 2456. Volatility shifts and persistence in variance : evidence from the sector indices of Istanbul stock exchange
- by Çağlı, Efe Çağlar Mandacı, Pınar Evrim Kahyaoğlu, Hakan
- International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research Vol.4, No.3, 2011 pages: 119-140
- Abstract References (0) Information
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- 2460. What international accounting standards (IAS) bring about to the financial statements of Greek listed companies? The case of the Athens Stock Exchange
- by Μπέλλας, Aθανάσιος Τούντας, Κανέλλος Παπαδάτος, Κωνσταντίνος
- Σπουδαί : journal of economics and business Vol.57, No.3, 2007 pages: 54-77
- Abstract References (0) Information
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