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Found 2168 record(s)
- 133. [Βιβλιοκριτική] Ayşe Ozil, Orthodox Christians in the Late Ottoman Empire: A Study of Communal Relations in Anatolia ; Nicholas Doumanis, Before the Nation: Muslim–Christian Coexistence and its Destruction in the Late Ottoman Anatolia ; Ryan Gingeras, Sorrowful Shores: Violence, Ethnicity and the End of the Ottoman Empire, 1912–1923
- by Εξερτζόγλου, Χάρης Exertzoglou, Haris
- Historein : a review of the past and other stories Vol.14, 2014 pages: 103-111
- Abstract References (0) Information
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- 136. [Βιβλιοκριτική] Bernard Kayser, Pierre - Yves Péchoux καί Michel Sivignon: Exode rural et attraction urbaine en Grèce. Matériaux pour une étude géographique des mouvements de population dans la Grèce contemporaine
- by Roux, Michel
- Επιθεώρηση κοινωνικών ερευνών Vol.13, 1972 pages: 132-133
- Abstract References (0) Information
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