Balkan studies : biannual publication of the Institute for Balkan Studies
Vol.30, No.1, 1989
- 15. [Βιβλιοκριτική] Παν. K. Χρήστου, Το Άγιον Όρος - ’Αθωνική Πολιτεία - Ιστορία, Τέχνη, Ζωή (Le Mont Athos; La cité athonite, Histoire, Art, Vie)
- by Καραθανάσης, Αθανάσιος Ε.
- Balkan studies : biannual publication of the Institute for Balkan Studies Vol.30, No.1, 1989 pages: 153-160
- Abstract References (0) Information
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- 18. [Βιβλιοκριτική] Nikolaj Todorov and Asparuh Velkov, Situation démographique de la Péninsule balkanique (fin du XVe s. - début du XVIe s.)
- by Ilhan, J. Mehdi
- Balkan studies : biannual publication of the Institute for Balkan Studies Vol.30, No.1, 1989 pages: 170-172
- Abstract References (0) Information
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- 20. [Βιβλιοκριτική] Apostolos E. Vacalopoulos, Constantinos D. Svolopoulos, Béla K. Kiräly (eds.), War and society in East Central Europe, Vol. XXIII: Southeast European maritime commerce and naval policies from the mid-eighteenth century to 1914
- by Farsolas, James J.
- Balkan studies : biannual publication of the Institute for Balkan Studies Vol.30, No.1, 1989 pages: 178-181
- Abstract References (0) Information
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